

Here are some of our ministries

  • Sunday School ~ is starting in October, following the Sunday service and ends at 11am. We welcome all kids ages 4 through 6th grade. To register, please call the church office 218-741-1911.
  • Amazing Grace ~ leads the congregation in a contemporary praise and worship service the 2nd Sunday of every month.
  • Gal Time ~ is a Bible Study for women that meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 1pm each month.
  • Confirmation Class ~ is a class for 6th grade and up to learn God’s word using Luther’s Small Catechism as their guide. Students memorize key Bible verses and explanation for major components of the faith. Class is held on Wednesday’s @ 6:30pm – 7:30pm from October through May. It follows the school calendar.
  • Midweek Bible Study ~ is a Bible Study for both men & women that meets on Wednesday’s @ 1pm from October through May. Grace Lutheran (Chisholm) is @ 11am.
  • If you have any questions, please call the church office 218-741-1911 or Pastor Brad 218-290-0697.